Study visit of the German-Polish Economic Circle in Poznań

Obrazek przedstawia Tomasza Mackiewicza na tle prezentacji

Innovation, cooperation and exchange of experience were the main topics of the study visit of the Polish-German Economic Circle in Poznań, which took place on 11 March 2025 at the Łukasiewicz – Poznań Institute of Technology.

During the meeting, the guests were introduced to the Institute’s activities, including successful partnerships with industry and opportunities to support companies through joint research and development projects. Cooperation with the Industry Contact Point Digital Transformation was also discussed.

Participants had the opportunity to visit laboratories and modern machinery, where Łukasiewicz – PIT researchers work on a daily basis.

– It is thanks to such cooperation that Polish companies can compete effectively on the international arena and that science can develop at maximum speed,’ concluded Tomasz Mackiewicz, Head of the Mechanical Engineering Research Group.